
CAPTURE #2 :: Pottery Ovens @ Avintes

Date: 15 August 07
Place: Abandoned pottery plant, Avintes, Northwest Portugal
Description: Buna, Marisa and me testing sounds inside an oven at an abandoned pottery plant near Porto. Great reverb!
Equipment: 2 Oktava Mk-012 small diaphragm condenser microphones w/ cardioid capsules; 1 Marantz PMD660 solid state digital recorder; 1 Senheiser HD-25 headphones; 2 20m XLR balanced cables

January 1st 2006, 12:00AM :: Portugal >> Porto >> 555 Arts Centre ::
We were having our much deserved rest after the huge success of the new year's eve party we had just put up the night before, with more then 700 wild animals running loose through the place: everything was a mess. We were a mess. Nevertheless we decided to get our strengh together and check out a free rave party some english folks were still having some kms away.

When we got to the place, after a quick dancing time to the sound of "Voyage voyage" and other old-school anthems alike comming out of this massive wall of speakers, that's when we found the ovens: didn't take much for us to be crawling inside, shouting our lungs out and running wild, in total reverb frenzy.

One year and a half later, having decided to start this So Sample Sound Sniper project, the ovens came right back to my mind: the problem was how to get there, since I couldn't remeber a single turn. Gladly, Buna came into action and together we found our way back once again.

Despite of being a bit creepy, these ovens proved to be a fantastic reverb unit, one you'd kill to have on your hardware rack. We set the mics and recorder and got to the action.

I still wanto to get back there, this time with a diversity of musical instruments and sound objects like a gas cooker + a pan full of corn, maybe kidnap a poet and bring him in too. Check out some samples (not yet mastered):

Sample5 (reversed)

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